
I always thought that there was this one perfect person for everybody in the world, you know, and when you found that person the rest of the world kind of magically faded away, and, you know, the two of you would just be inside this kind of protective bubble, but there is no bubble, I mean if there is you have to make it, I just think life is more than a series of moments, you know, we can make choices, and we can choose to protect the people we love, and that's what makes us who we are and those are the real memories

Forces of Nature

Thursday, December 22, 2011

My High school Life

My High School Life

In my high school years I studied in 3 schools. But the most memorable times for me was my alma mater the Liceo De Cagayan University. I studied there for 2 years (3rd yr-4th yr). Now, I realized that the experienced I had in that school was perfect! I had it all! While I was still studying in that school I never appreciated every time, every thing and every day that I’m in that school. I hate, I curse, I discriminate the school for making my life harder when I reached 4th year. I often say that “hahai…..nagmahay jud ko ngano dri ko nag eskwela…….”(I really regret that I study here), “eiiiii!! Kalagot! Sunugon jud ni nakong school!”(I'll really gonna burn this school!)and my classmates were just agreed and laughed with me.. my friends in 4th yr was so amazing…they were there for me everytime I needed them especially my "badang" - SHARINE…we understand each other, we have lots of common interest, we always talked about guys and our love life, we were good at stalking interesting people, we gave advises to each other when needed, and we shared our laughter and tears. I really missed them all. When our class ended we always walked together from our school to Carmen Mercado (1km), we don’t feel tired because we enjoyed each others company - we were talking while walking. My badang and I were very laagan because whenever we felt that were already tired we still able to managed to went in ketkai just to have fun and even though (sometimes) we don’t have money. We really enjoyed each others company. We have the same behavior and we can relate to each other. I missed Robert and Sharine dancing K-pop, kasi kami lang tatlo ang mhilig ng kpop sa room.
When the school year was near to end, we always hangout because we know that we may not see each other again because “EVERYTHING MAY CHANGE, EVEN JUST IN A BLINK OF AN EYE”.. I can say that our friendship wasTHE PERFECT ONE and it is worth to treasure forever…and I can say also that our friendship is not yet over and will never be

For:    Sharine/sha           aka          badang

Robert/bert          aka      youtube grabber

Consuelo/swing     aka         silent but deadly

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A night with a best guy!

This photo was taken at Country Village Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City, Aug.13, 2011. This is so blurry! :(  but i'm buying soon the photo took by the photographer - it was better than this! wahahaha! still i'm lucky!

That day was so fantastic and enchanting ! Why?   because we watched their game then after the game the people are rushing on the younghusband brothers and only few on misagh but deep inside in  me I was so happy because I had a greater chance to take picture with him. But, as I moved closer to him the people were moving nearer and closer to him as well and so I, who is not that tall had a hard time to get picture of him and the only thing I did their was to hold his hand! hahaha!  and honestly I'm not satisfied on what I did so I came up with a decision to went in the hotel where they stayed in and so I convinced my friends to go their because I felt that I will really regret if I can't take a picture with him!   and so we went . . .  and we were so happy on what we had.  

Maybe the only thing that I regret the most after meeting him were:
  • I did not able to give him a pasalubong or any thing that I can give to him and;
  • I regret also that I did not hug him!!   ;((

anyway, MISAGH BAHADORAN is a best guy!! * I so like him*

  • He is NOT snobbish!
  • He ACKNOWLEDGE his fans/supporters!  

    [ I can't really forget the line he said when he opposed on his manager who wanted him to leave us because he had to take his dinner and he was tired from the game. anyway, when his manager told him to leave us he said immediately " No! I want to sign. " and we all do shouting and screaming our lungs out because we did not expect that he was that too kind! :)]
  • He is always SMILING :)
  • He is CUTE 
  • He has beautiful grey EYES!  agree?!   :)
  • He is soooooo KIND!
  • He is FUNNY!
  • He is a GOOD PLAYER
My classmates and I go "loka" on him!   Hope he will come back here soon! 

Warning!   You will might be hypnotize in his eyes . . .  

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Collide by Howie Day

I so love this song!  =)
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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Who is my Hero?

What is a hero? A hero is the one who saves. The one who done heroic deeds and someone who is brave and had courage to fight for what is right.

I am a kind of person who likes to wander and went home late. My mother and sister always talked to me about my "hobby" but I cannot change it for now because that is my way to ease my stress from school.

Many times my hero grant my wishes and one of them (which frequently happened to me) was when I am going to school late. While I am riding in a jeepney I hardly prayed that our teacher will be much late than me and if that will happen I promise that I will never be late again. My hero granted my wish, but I did not keep my promise to Him; I still come to school late. I still wish same things from Him and I still keep on breaking my promises to Him. Despite of that, He still continues granting my wishes and so I believe that He is with me and He is my savior and my hero.

Though my hero is invisible and cannot be proven scientifically, but for me He is here with me to save and guide me. Every time I am weary He is there for me. His house is always open for me to come. He gives me signs when I am confused. He protects me; He never let me to be in danger though He gives me trials to make me stronger.

Nobody can overpower my hero for He knows everything; he made everything. He molds me to become a good person with conscience. He never gets tired in helping and guiding me in my life and most of all I am not the only one He saves and protects but as well are my family, friends and you. He is my hero and my savior, God.

Flirty or Friendly

These two words are commonly misinterpreted and so I want to talk about these two words. There are people who are naturally friendly, outgoing and sweet but unfortunately for them, they were misinterpreted and labeled as “flirt”. Even I confused in these two words and I encountered or experienced this situation, but I am not the one who was labeled as “flirt” instead I am the one who misinterpreted them. What are their limitations or indications to be called or labeled as friendly or flirty? Well, since I don't know the answer/s so I asked my block mates on how they differentiate a friendly person to a flirty one. Most of them were girls and a guy.

According to them, a friendly person talk decently and put distance or limitations when having conversation, always say “hi” to the people he or she knew, a friendly person had a lot of friends and s/he normally treated them fairly and does not put with malice in his or her actions to his friends, has good intentions, not ashamed to chat to other people and he or she likes to make friends and ask questions with sense.

Flirty people are really flirt! they overdo the acts of being friendly, into the extent that they always get closer to the opposite sex and they will pretend as if they are cute though they are not, they are lack of attention so they wanted to be the center of attraction, they get angry when they know that their crush has someone else and they ask questions with non sense.

Now, we have the differences between a friendly and flirty person and so I hope those things will help to
correctly label a person. Though I am not saying that these things I wrote are the only basis to label someone as friendly or flirty. For me, it is okay to flirt as long as you are not in a relationship and you had something to show off, but if you do not have anything to boast, well, it is better for you to stay friendly at least you have something to boast and that are your friends. I do believe as well that all people and even animals need to flirt, to find and have a partner in life.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

in L O V E

What is love? In this four letter word, we have various meaning to state and as for me love is an action or a feeling that people cannot leave without and continue in seeking for it though he or she knows that it is risky and can break his or her heart. If love is a person, he or she already violates a lot of rules and had multiple crime done. Love is like a tree and its falling leaves. You can never let someone stay with you forever because nothing is forever. Sometimes you have to let them go but you have to remain standing just like what trees do, because when the right time comes new leaves will replace all the branches that are better than before.

Everything happens for a reason. You know that you really love someone when you want him or her to be happy even if his or her happiness means that you are not a part of it. You can give without loving but you cannot love without giving. Taking risk and being hurt are part of loving because it test you and help you to grow and if you do not get hurt, you will never learn how to love, but then love does not hurt all the time. Falling in love means you are just falling without forcing yourself and even you cannot explain it.

We fall in love in a simple way and we fell out of love in the same way. Moving on is not meant to forget each other but it is all about acceptance, that some things are not meant to be for each other. One of the most confusing part of love is when you let go of someone you love but others said that if you love the person, you must fight for him or her.  We lose someone for a reason and that is only if we are destined to find someone else who can love us as much as we love them and as much as we love ourselves. 

Love comes with a package of pain, risk and happiness. Love can make us sad and in just a moment can make us happy. With those things we can know what is real love. When things are meant to be for each other, no matter how long it takes, no matter how far they go and no matter how tough it seems there is God who will bring them together.