
I always thought that there was this one perfect person for everybody in the world, you know, and when you found that person the rest of the world kind of magically faded away, and, you know, the two of you would just be inside this kind of protective bubble, but there is no bubble, I mean if there is you have to make it, I just think life is more than a series of moments, you know, we can make choices, and we can choose to protect the people we love, and that's what makes us who we are and those are the real memories

Forces of Nature

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Suko Ko Sa Imuha (I'm Angry At You)

Uyab nako lagot ko sa imuha,
kay sige ra ka storya,
palitan daw ko nimu ug sanina,
pero wala jud nitugpa.

Hala! sige pagdula diha,
ug mag-away 'tang duha,
dako nasad ani akong baba,
ug ikaw maghilom ra.

Tiguwang naman unta ka,
Pero ngano magdula pa man ka?
di man pud ka madato ana,
hatagan ra ka'g kasakit sa mata.

Girl's Red Tide

This was a short poem I made when I got bored when I was having my menstruation. You may find it gross but it was just a silly poem. 

Agay.....ang sakit na dili angay i-syagit,
Pero makapatindog nimu ug kalit.
Pagkapait ba aning kasakit,
hantod imung tudlo apil makiit.

Adto ko'g tindhaan para mupalit,
sa akong napkin nga sa panty ikabit,
kay lain ilakaw kung pilit-pilit,
labi nang dili muundang ining pag-sirit,
diri sa tunga sa akong singit.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

I Conquer!

March 23, 2015. I Had Conquer the one of My Biggest Fear - Hosting in front of the crowd. 

It was the wedding of my cousin. We arrived in the morning and two days before their grand event. In the afternoon we visited them in their house and there was my aunt doing the emcee guide. Out of the blue, while I sat on the bed wanted to have some rest, she asked me if I could be the host in the reception.....silence....What?! never in my wildest dreams dreamt that I'll be hosting a wedding someday. I was shocked, speechless and stuttered while I tried to enumerate my excuses to refuse her request. 

Unfortunately, my sister was there and heard the request of our aunt, so she also told our aunt that I was capable to do it because I had already an experience on it - BUT it was a school event!, it was a graduation! what can you expect on it? everything is formal, no joke to throw, no ad-libs and no enthusiasm needed for me to show.

However, I accepted the request of our aunt since she kept on telling me that there was a guide for me. The next thing I remember the paper was on my hand. I brought it everywhere I go. I practiced everywhere I stayed. As I run through the script, I also remembered the moments I've been into weddings. Before, I don't give a damn whoever was the host, all in my mind was I was in the reception because of the food, and that's all. I also remembered how I observed, critiqued, and made fun of the mistakes of the emcee.

No one likes to be discriminated in minds of anyone. I don't want to happen same things to me as what I did to any emcees I observed - though they don't know what I was doing. Mind me, I'm very conscious person and I am still having a problem with my confidence but I'm working on it and so I had to be good on the event. After all, it was me, the bride and groom on the spotlight. Plus, my family was there! I never performed in my entire life with serious matters in front of them, I always preferred that no family member to watched over me.

Therefore, I practiced a lot, I asked the help of my sister since she was the one who can give me the meanest comment that I ever heard, and that was what I needed in those moment. I noticed on the script that there were still blanks for me to filled in with words, lines, ad-libs and j.o.k.e.s. The problem was --> I'm not good at it.

The big day came, It was my first and final practice in the venue. I still don't know the name of the major principals. I gave it up to the Lord to guide me and help me impress the crowd. 

Heart pounded so fast.
All eyes on me.
They Smiled.
They followed my instructions and cues.
and they clapped.

To end this, I can say that what I did their was unbelievably good......better.....but not my very best because I still believe that I still have a long time to live and that moment may come across on me again. However, according to my sister and cousins, I was able to deliver it with confidence and with sweet smiles all over face. I able to speak English fluently. I did ad-libs, transitions and jokes! whoah! Of course, these things I believed and boasted was also commended by my sister, she said she liked my diction and everything. One of the proof was one of my cousin wanted me to book as the emcee of her daughter's debut 5 years from now. 

In that moment, I can really say to myself Good job! at last you have the guts and confidence! and I'm so proud of you. So Proud. 

Saturday, February 01, 2014

I Want That

Why? Why I’m not beautiful?
Why I’m not tall or at least have a good height?

Why I’m not sexy?

Why I don’t have body curves?

Why I don’t have an edgy nose?
Why my teeth are naturally incomplete?
Why my skin does not satisfactorily glow ?
Why I have pimples and open pores?
Why I’m not so smart?
Why I’m not fluent in speaking English?
Why I’m not confident?
Why I don’t have lots of money to buy things I want?
Why I get easily envied the people around me who have the things that I don’t have?
ALL of them affect my mood to shift easily; I don’t want to be bipolar.
I want to be confident and do things without thinking myself-limitation that always hinders me.
I’m tired pretending to be okay.
I’m tired pretending that I don’t envied them; that I’m really proud of what I have but deep inside of me really looked down myself.
I want to be envied too! I want to accept and be proud of who really am and how I really looked like.
But I really don’t know what to do and how to start it either.
I hope one day I will just wake up and already learned to appreciate ME.

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

“Teaching as a Vocation, Mission and Profession”

hi! i just want to tell you that if you happened to search this essay because of your subject EDUC 32 from XAVIER UNIVERSITY I hope that you will not just copy paste this. :) It's really BEST and MEANINGFUL if  you make your own. This only serve to guide and give you idea/s.

GOOD LUCK & EMBRACE the beauty of teaching!

               Some people say that teaching is a noble profession, others say that it is only for people who is knowledgeable enough to teach children and others say that it is done by someone who has an authority. So, this is what I say on what teaching is.

             Teaching is a Vocation. Every person is destined to be somebody in his own field. I can say that teaching is easy, but teaching with morals and molding humans for the future is not that simple as 1, 2 and 3. Like everyone can be a teacher but being an effective teacher needs someone with passion and devotion for teaching. Teachers became teachers not because of luck or misfortune, but because she/he is destined to be one. Being a teacher requires a lot of things to gain and even to sacrifice. Therefore, God will not put someone in this profession if he is not capable to do it or if his fate is not on teaching. God has always reasons for everything that happened to us and that is for the person to discover and realize someday.

              Teaching is a Mission. Every human being has a purpose or mission in this world and the main purpose of every human is to produce and protect life. As teachers, we always have goals in everything we teach and do to our students. Why? It is simply because we are teachers who have mission and that is to make each of our students competitive, equipped with the fundamental skills and knowledge and also to be a total human person for his society.

           We teachers are not only teaching to have students with brilliant minds we are also destined to produce human beings with heart and soul for everyone. A human that is capable to love and care for the other people. Teachers are like disciples of Jesus. We are expected to teach and cater the knowledge of our students. What kind of knowledge? Knowledge for subjects, for himself, for life, for morality, and for God and that is through teaching them the knowledge and the truth comes with it and God is the truth and that is the great assigned task of Him to us – to perform with excellence when doing our service.

               Teaching is a Profession. As what a popular saying goes like “You cannot give what you don’t have” just like for us teachers, we cannot fully transform our students to be somebody in this world if in the first place we do not have the mastery of our field or simply the knowledge, and care and love for them. We teachers are their models and considered as their second mother. We do affect them easily that much since they are spending most of their time in school and as being with them every day we have the great responsibility on taking care of our actions in or outside of our classroom. Therefore, we teachers should always have a guidance and that is through thinking that in everything we say and do must be done for the greater glory of GOD.

                Therefore, as a future teacher, we should be thankful that we are taking this noble course because it is only few who are destined to have the patience and knowledge to be shared on the large community. Teaching is a powerful profession. Teachers have the greatest influential duty in this world because they can make either a monster or a hero for the future of a society. Teachers affect and make characters out of their teaching. Teaching is a certified noble profession because it does what God and his disciples tried and trying to do – to teach and spread the truth to His people.

Teachers are Everywhere

Teachers are engineers,
who are builders of characters,
Teachers are accountants,
who are balancers of knowledge and manner that makes it more significant,
Teachers are agriculturists,
who are planters of the seeds of wisdom to become futurists,
Teachers are nurses,
who assist student’s studies,
A teacher is a programmer,
who put codes on lessons to remember,
A teacher is a philosopher,
who is a thinker of things to make it clearer,

 Teachers are teachers who can be anywhere to mold future leaders.

Every Teacher Must Have His Own Personal Philosophy of Education

"Every Teacher Must Have His Own Personal Philosophy of Education"

In this passage, I strongly believed that a teacher must have his own personal philosophy so that he will have a guide on how he will teach the learners. Having a philosophy will set as a guideline or a goal for a teacher. Through setting a philosophy, a teacher will be guided on how and what approach he will instill on his learners therefore the philosophy of a teacher must bring goodness to her learners; a philosophy that will impact her learners in a positive way to become a good and productive citizens in our country.

A teacher is seen by his learners as their model and bring influence on their being therefore he must show what a firm person takes to be. One of it is that he must show that he is an organized person; a person with goals and that is, for teachers, through having his educational philosophy and free from any form of biases so that he will be guided all throughout his teachings because his philosophy will serve as his grounds when the time of confusion comes and he will be aid on what decisions to make. When students see their teacher is firm when it comes in decision making they tend to do their best in coming up a good quality works and outputs.

In the other hand, some teachers do not have their own philosophy and some are having two or more philosophy that they apply to their teachings so that their learner take some wisdom of life while they are still learning but then teachers too have life and so they also learn from their students and learning is constantly evolving therefore teacher must re-invent their philosophy when it is needed to fit their learners. Though teachers have the superior authority in the classroom they should still give chance or freedom to their learners to think, make and share their ideas. Teachers must not over rule their students when it comes to decision making instead he must help them to be a rational thinking person so that someday the learner can create her own philosophy that bring justice and goodness to others as well; a philosophy that does not violates any law in this world.

Teachers are guide of the students in their development, they spend most of their time in school and so teachers do greatly impact and influence the learner’s life. Teachers must give importance on each of their students because they come to school to be educate and learn new things from people they call teachers. Therefore teachers must do their best in teaching for that is the student’s purpose why they are in school. Giving various activities and opportunities for them to acquire and develop their skills and mental, physical and emotional abilities that will form them holistically as human beings, with such capabilities, these will help them someday to be successful and living their life as individual with principles.

To sum it up, us teachers must be well directed on our teaching no matter what problem strikes us, we must still stand firm and be professional on it and that is with the help of having our philosophy in life and in teaching because if we have it we have a clear and strong path that is constructed and cemented on us.